





When processing ventilation ducts, there are many things to pay attention to, and the following are mainly some common problems:
1、 During the processing of ventilation ducts, longitudinal joints should be avoided as much as possible, but transverse joints should never be present. And the bite seams and corners of the ventilation pipeline need to be sealed tightly with sealant according to the design cleanliness level requirements. The sealing surface of the joint of other ventilation duct panels should be set on the positive pressure side of the ventilation duct wall.
2、 If it is a colorful coated steel plate ventilation duct, it should be adhered to that the inner wall is lubricated, and the coating should not be damaged during the processing of the ventilation duct. If the damaged area appears, it needs to be coated with epoxy resin on the surface. In the process of processing other ventilation ducts, anti-corrosion measures should be taken, and core pulling rivets cannot be used. Moreover, during the installation of ventilation duct parts, these parts must be galvanized.
3、 During the processing of ventilation ducts, reinforcement frames or ribs should not be installed inside the ducts, as this will have a certain impact on the quality of the ventilation ducts.
4、 The connection method of S-shaped inserts and C-shaped right angle inserts cannot be used for the processing of ventilation ducts. For some special ventilation ducts, snap fit bites cannot be used.
五、通风管道制造结束之州苗木 保定通风管道 丝网立柱模具 尼龙输送带 保定空压机 高碑店养老院,还要用清洗液进行清洗,只要到达清洗规范之后,才能够及时封口。
5、 After the manufacturing of the ventilation duct is completed, it needs to be cleaned with cleaning solution. Only after reaching the cleaning specifications can it be sealed in a timely manner.
If the above problems are not made mistakes, there should not be much problem when processing the ventilation duct!
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