





Air is the most important thing in people's life. Without air, people will feel suffocated and unable to live. Oxygen in the air is also the most basic element to maintain human life. Therefore, it is necessary to keep indoor ventilation to meet people's demand for oxygen, which is also the role of ventilation duct in people's life. In crowded or closed space, the air is not in circulation, exhaled carbon dioxide and so on, so always remember to ventilate, especially in the factory.
The use of ventilation duct can make good ventilation, promote indoor air circulation, control the speed of airflow and relieve suffocation. What is called ventilation, that is, the dirty air in the room or in the enclosed space is discharged out, and the harmful substances produced in the factory are discharged outdoor after purification treatment, and then the fresh air is sent into the room to dilute the air Harmful substances, to meet people's demand for air.
There is also a point is that the ventilation duct to maintain the air circulation, so that people can breathe fresh air, which is also for the sake of people's body, ventilation ducts in buildings and buildings have a wide range of applications, so that indoor air more smooth.
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版权 © 保定市微旺通风管道加工厂 冀ICP备2023002843号-1  网址:www.tongfengguan.com.cn  推荐:保定通风管道加工,保定螺旋风管安装,保定油烟净化器

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