





The principle of selecting oil fume purifier
(1) the technology is reliable, the purification rate is stable and meets the standard requirements. In the introduction of technical indicators, the nominal purification rate is the initial purification rate, not the stability index, the rapid reduction of the purification rate without timely maintenance or long time www.hupomoju.cn www.lujianbanmoju.cn www.paomoqiegeji.com.cn www.lianjieqi.org.cn www.baowenganggua.cn www.duihanfalan.com.cnuse. The purification rate of some purification technologies has dropped very quickly, for example, if the filter material is not changed in time, the smoke can not be discharged after being blocked.
(2) low operating cost. It is necessary to calculate the cost of running hydropower, especially the implied operating cost. In technical data, products do not indicate pressure loss. If the resistance is large, it is necessary to increase the electricity consumption.
(3) good fire resistance. Oil fume purification has better fire protection function, especially for open stove.
(4) the occupancy of space is small. According to the environmental conditions of the kitchen, choose equipment that occupies less space or equipment that can be installed in the air.
(5) easy to install, easy to clean, easy to repair.

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