





1、 各类板材、管材等应有质量证明文件(包括出厂合格证、质量合格证明及检测报告等)和产品清单。
1, all kinds of plates, pipes and other quality documents should be included (including factory qualification certificate, quality certificate and test report) and product list.
2、 风管成品不允许有变形、扭曲、开裂、孔洞、法兰脱落、开焊、漏铆、漏打螺栓孔等缺陷。
2, the wind pipe products are not allowed to have deformation, distortion, cracking, holes, flange shedding, welding, leakage riveting, missing bolts holes and other defects.
3、 安装的阀体消声器、罩体、风口等部件应检查调节装置是否灵活,消声片、油漆层有无损伤。
3, installation of valve muffler, hood, tuyere and other components should check whether the adjustment device is flexible, whether the silencer and paint layer are damaged.
4、 安装使用的材料:螺栓、螺母、垫圈、垫料、密封条、自攻螺钉、拉铆钉、电焊条、各种帆布、无纺布、射钉、膨胀螺栓等应符合产品质量要求。
4, installation and use of materials: bolts, nuts, gaskets, cushion materials, sealing strips, self tapping www.bdsjzxd.com www.chongjizuantou.com.cn www.tuogunshebei.com www.gangxianwei51.com www.shuichulishebei.com.cn www.yumiaopan.com.cnscrews, pull rivets, electric welding strips, all kinds of canvas, non-woven fabric, nail, expansion bolt, etc. should meet the quality requirements of the product.
Secondly, different ventilation ducts should be made of different materials.
Finally, the comparison of several common materials:
(1) thin steel plate wind pipe. It can be divided into galvanized steel sheet and plain steel sheet air duct. It is the most commonly used material. The connection between air pipes usually adopts angle steel or flat steel flange.
(2) stainless steel plate wind pipe. Used for transporting corrosive gas, its pipes and parts are made of stainless steel plate. The connection of the wind pipe valve is connected with flange, and the connection can be made of stainless steel. The rectangular flange can be welded directly. The circular flange should be made by cold bending.
(3) aluminum plate wind pipe. It is made from aluminum and aluminum alloy plates. Because aluminum has good chemical corrosion resistance, it is often used to transport corrosive gases.

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  5. 地址:保定市清苑区闫庄乡大吕庄村

版权 © 保定市微旺通风管道加工厂 冀ICP备2023002843号-1  网址:www.tongfengguan.com.cn  推荐:保定通风管道加工,保定螺旋风管安装,保定油烟净化器

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