





1. Parts should be inspected before they can be checked and qualified.
1) all kinds of valves should be made strong, the brake equipment should be accurate and reliable, and the direction of valve opening and closing should be marked. The thickness of the shell of the fire valve should be equal to 2mm, and the selection of data should be in accordance with the GB50243-97 standard.
2) The surface of the tuyere should be smooth, error <= 2mm, the difference between the diagonal lines of the rectangular tuyere <= 3mm, and the allowable error <= 2mm for any two orthogonal diameters of the circular tuyere.
3) the tuyere should be rolled up, the blade or the plugged plate should be straight, the blade distance should be evenly spaced, the expansion ring of the diffuser and the dispatching should be coaxial, the axial interval distribution is symmetrical, the blade and other open and close should be thoroughly, the direction of the airtight closed valve and the shock wave are accurate, and the blade can not be reversed, and the blade is fully open or completely closed, and no dispatching air volume can be used.
4) the flexible short pipe human defense filter system selects rubber type, and the other three anti fire canvas, each crane, support and bracket should be smooth and strong, full weld, and the round arc of hoop should be uniform.
2. The preparation of the wind pipe equipment:
1) before the wind pipe is hoisted, we should check the location, standard and elevation of the hole in the field structure, and clean the air pipe surface, and keep the waste from the wind pipe in the construction, and the obstacles in the equipment part should be cleaned up.
2) the wind pipe should be dedusting before the equipment, to ensure that the surface of the air pipe is regular, and the wind pipe should check its level and level before the equipment. After supervision or approval by Party A and filling out the relevant inspection data, the wind pipe can be used in the rear.
  1. 联系人:吕经理
  2. 电话:0312-8103011
  3. 手机:17732219006
  4. 网址:www.tongfengguan.com.cn
  5. 地址:保定市清苑区闫庄乡大吕庄村

版权 © 保定市微旺通风管道加工厂 冀ICP备2023002843号-1  网址:www.tongfengguan.com.cn  推荐:保定通风管道加工,保定螺旋风管安装,保定油烟净化器

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