





1. the power plug of the lampblack purifier is generally three eyes flat plug, so the user must install three sockets in the corresponding parts of the kitchen, so as to ensure the safe use.

2. before installation, the transparent panels on the lighting position of the oil fume purifier will move to the right. First install 25 watts of screw bulb (non ordinary screw bulb), but a small shape of the special shaped bulb, the general electric line for sale, to facilitate the stove lighting.

3. the oil fume purifier is generally installed on the top of the hearth. The installation height has a direct effect on the sewage, so it is more suitable for the 0.6 to 0.75 meters away from the hearth. Along this horizontal line, two holes are chiseled on the wall, and the distance between them is equal to the distance between the two hanging holes of the oil fume purifier. First, tighten the two fastening screws on the hanging feet of the oil fume purifier, and hang the angle foot hanging holes on the screws on the wall. Tighten the fixed screws at both ends.

4, the installation should maintain a certain elevation angle, so that the oil can be discharged smoothly to the human oil cup, to prevent oil contamination from the tight sealing place.

5.. Install the straight pipe joint on the top of the oil fume purifier, then install the small exhaust pipe, then connect it to the straight pipe, pass through the top cabinet, so that it is more neat and beautiful, then put on the small elbow, and then the other end is connected to the straight pipe. A round hole on the steel window, the straight pipe is extended out the window, then the shutter door is installed, attention block. The wind should go down.
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  5. 地址:保定市清苑区闫庄乡大吕庄村

版权 © 保定市微旺通风管道加工厂 冀ICP备2023002843号-1  网址:www.tongfengguan.com.cn  推荐:保定通风管道加工,保定螺旋风管安装,保定油烟净化器

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