






油烟净化器安装基础环境要求: 1) 环境湿度:10~40% 2) 环境温度:20~50℃ 3) 海拔高度:<1000米 4) 设备阻力:<100Pa 5) 适用烟气:餐饮业油畑废气,非易燃、易爆、易挥发、易腐蚀性的气体;工厂内的废气异味;注意:严禁将柴油炉燃烧产生的其他黑烟引入设备与油烟一并处理。 6) 周围无易燃易爆物体和腐蚀性的气体; 7) 机体必须水平安装,必须按照当地法规要求在静电除油烟机的出口处加装防火阀; 8) 对于气温较低的地区,应对排污管及外接管道采取保温措施。
Oil fume purifier installation basic environment requirements: 1) 1) environmental humidity: environmental humidity: 10~40% 2) environment temperature: 20~50 C 3) altitude: altitude: <1000 meter 4) equipment resistance: <100Pa 5) application of flue gas: gas in food and beverage industry, non inflammable, explosive, volatile, perishable and corrosive gases; odor in the factory; attention: strictly prohibit combustion of diesel furnace combustion The other black smoke was introduced into the equipment and treated with soot. 6) there is no flammable and explosive objects and corrosive gases around it; 7) the body must be installed horizontally and must be installed in accordance with the local regulations in the exit of the electrostatic fume removal machine; 8) for the areas with low temperature, the heat preservation measures should be taken for the sewage pipe and the external pipe.
  1. 联系人:吕经理
  2. 电话:0312-8103011
  3. 手机:17732219006
  4. 网址:www.tongfengguan.com.cn
  5. 地址:保定市清苑区闫庄乡大吕庄村

版权 © 保定市微旺通风管道加工厂 冀ICP备2023002843号-1  网址:www.tongfengguan.com.cn  推荐:保定通风管道加工,保定螺旋风管安装,保定油烟净化器

含雄安,定州,涿州,安国,高碑店,徐水,涞源,定兴,顺平,唐县,望都,涞水,清苑,满城,高阳,容城,曲阳,阜平,博野,蠡县,白沟 泰安通风管道 太原通风管道  锻造厂保定电动门 成都风机 网络推广平台 螺杆启闭机 电阻柜 不锈钢铸件 流态固化土 电炉 保定网站建设:保定遨游公司