1, ventilation pipes should be contacted with the engineer of the equipment main pipe before construction, and the pipelines and single lines of all kinds of work should be painted on a floor plan. Each type of pipe is used with a color pen. At all points of intersection, we should synthesize its elevation to see if there are any contradictions, and find them in time, and solve the problems before installation.
2, in order to reduce investment, save space, reduce the height of layers, some pipe laying without slope requirements can be laid by beam laying (such as water pipe, fire sprinkler, and so on).
3、对于比较复杂的民用建筑,在通风管道设计阶段,各工种(暖通、给水排水,供电照明与建筑专业)首先应协商好空间分隔,定出每种管道的标高范围。一般情况下不得越出给自己规定的界限。遇有个别管段要越界时应与 通风管道 其他工程协商。
3. For the more complex civil buildings, in the design stage of the ventilation pipe, each type of work (HVAC, water supply and drainage, power supply lighting and building specialty) should first negotiate a good space separation and set up the elevation range of each type of pipe. Under normal circumstances, we must not exceed the limits set to ourselves. When there is a section to cross the boundary, consult with other works of ventilation pipe.
4, to solve all kinds of ventilation pipe collision and coordination principle, generally small tube let big tube, pressure without pressure. For example, if the water pipe collides with the wind pipe, it should turn the water pipe. When cold and hot water pipes collide with the water pipes, the cold and hot water pipes should be changed.