





Select the good ventilation material, first in the production process of the wind pipe, we should pay attention to the surface of the wind pipe is aluminum foil material. In order to ensure that the surface layer is not easy to damage, therefore, the material of aluminum foil should be stipulated, and the thickness of the aluminum foil on the surface of the pipe is also stipulated to ensure safety. Secondly, it is one of the basic conditions to ensure the safety of composite materials for bonding the inner, outer and inner insulation of thin steel flange ventilation pipes. According to the specified area and thickness, not only can prolong the service life of the wind pipe, but also increase the insulation effect, so that the wind pipe can be maximally and best utilized.

Local exhaust ventilation of a ventilated pipe

Ventilation is used to improve the air environment in the workshop. On the one hand, the dirty air, which does not meet the hygienic standard, is discharged to the outdoor in the local or the whole workshop. On the other hand, fresh air is sent to the indoor air which is in accordance with the hygienic requirements. We call the former the exhaust, and the latter is called the air intake.

In the local place where the harmful substances are concentrated, the trap device is set up to remove the harmful substances to control the diffusion of harmful substances to the interior. This ventilation method is called the local exhaust. This is the most effective ventilation method for antivirus and dust removal.

Ventilating pipe

The local air exhausting system is composed of the following parts:

(1) dust removal and purification equipment

In order to prevent air pollution, when the amount of harmful substances discharged from the air exceeds the discharge standard, it must be treated with purification equipment. Cleaning equipment is divided into two categories: dust collector and harmful gas purification device.

(2) fan

The power of the fan to catch the air flow to the mechanical exhaust system. In order to prevent fan wear and corrosion, it is usually placed behind the purification equipment.

If only partial ventilation or air supply is applied to local locations, local ventilation is provided; if ventilation or air supply is carried out in the whole workshop, the ventilation is complete. Generally, ventilation can be divided into local ventilation, comprehensive ventilation and accident ventilation according to the different scope of ventilation system. The local ventilation system is divided into two types of local air intake and local air exhaust. They all use local air to make the local working place not polluted by harmful things and cause a good air environment.

(3) local exhaust hood

The local exhaust hood is used to capture harmful substances. Its performance has a direct impact on the technical and economic indexes of the local exhaust system. The local exhaust hood with good performance, such as a closed hood, can achieve good results with a smaller air volume. Because of the difference in production equipment and operation, the form of exhaust hood is varied.
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