





1, the drawing line should be carried out according to the different sizes and specifications of the wind pipe, while a section of the wind pipe should be carried out completely to prevent the error of the wrong hole and the material.
2, the cutting of plates should be carried out according to the different stages of scribing. At the same time, the blanking should be checked to avoid mistakes. Cut by mechanical scissors according to the shape of the line.
3, when cutting, the hand is strictly prohibited into the mechanical plate gap, the upper tool holder is not allowed to place tools and other articles. When the plate is adjusted, the foot can not be placed on the pedal machine, and the fixed type vibration shears should be used to support the stable steel plate. The hand should not be less than 5cm, and the force is even and appropriate.
4. After the cutting is done, the chamfering machine or scissors must be used for chamfering.
5. Different ways to connect the wind pipe with metal sheet, such as bite connection, rivet connection and welding.

6, bite width and allowance should be determined according to the thickness of the sheet.
7, the weld must be welded evenly, without cracks and slag adding. When the rivet is connected, the rivet center is first perpendicular to the panel, and the rivet head is pressed tightly to make the sheet in neat and uniform. The riveting between plates should not be filled in the middle.
8. When fingers bite, fingers are not less than 50mm, and the hands are not allowed to be placed on the pipe of the bite machine to stabilize the sheet.
9, the plate after the bite is placed on the folding machine and placed on the center line of the lower die. In the operation, the blade of the machine is overlapped with the center line of the lower die and is folded into the desired angle.
10. When folded, it should be matched with the folding machine to maintain a certain distance, so as not to be injured by overturned steel plates or fittings.
11. When making the wind pipe, the producers will circle the ends of the biting ends and put them on the winding machine. Adjust the distance between the upper and lower rollers according to the diameter of the duct. When you operate, you must not push the steel plate directly.
12. Folded or round rolled steel plates should be stitched with a machine or hand. In operation, the force is uniform and not easy to overweigh. Single and double ports confirm bite, no dirty or half bite.
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  5. 地址:保定市清苑区闫庄乡大吕庄村

版权 © 保定市微旺通风管道加工厂 冀ICP备2023002843号-1  网址:www.tongfengguan.com.cn  推荐:保定通风管道加工,保定螺旋风管安装,保定油烟净化器

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