





1) wind pipe processing: lofting, blanking, winding, folding, biting, making straight pipes, fittings, flanges, hanger brackets, drilling, riveting, upper flanges and group pairs.
2). Ventilation pipe installation: looking for elevation, supporting wall holes, cooperating with retaining holes, laying hoist support, assembly, wind pipe position, leveling, looking for positive, cushion, cushion, bolt, fastening.

2. The design of the whole ventilation system adopts the uniform air supply of gradually shrinking tube, the circular wind pipe is according to the average diameter, and the rectangular wind pipe carries out the corresponding specifications according to the average circumference, and its artificial multiplying coefficient is 2.5.

3. The plate in the galvanized steel sheet wind pipe is made by galvanized sheet. If the design requires no galvanized steel sheet, the plate can be converted, and the other is unchanged.

4. The blades of the vane pipe are all executed in the same project without single blade and banana shaped double leaf.

5. When making air curtain air supply pipe, according to the average circumference of the rectangular duct, the corresponding wind pipe specification items will be multiplied by the coefficient of 3, and the rest will remain unchanged.

6. In the production and installation of thin steel plate ventilation pipeline, including elbow, three pass, variable diameter pipe, circle area and other fittings, flange, reinforcement frame and bracket support, but not across the wind pipe landing support, landing support to implement the equipment support project.

7. The sheet material in the thin steel sheet wind pipe project can be converted if the thickness of the design is different.

8. Hose connectors can be converted by using artificial leather instead of canvas.

9. Flanged padding in the project can be converted if the design requirements are different, but manual work remains unchanged. Using foam plastics, each kilogram rubber sheet is converted into foam plastic 0.125kg, and closed cell latex sponge is converted into closed cell latex sponge 0.5kg per kilogram rubber sheet.

10. The flexible soft air duct is suitable for the soft air duct (fire and smoke exhausting fan) made from metal, plastic fabric, polyester, polyethylene, PVC film, aluminum foil and other materials.
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版权 © 保定市微旺通风管道加工厂 冀ICP备2023002843号-1  网址:www.tongfengguan.com.cn  推荐:保定通风管道加工,保定螺旋风管安装,保定油烟净化器

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