





Galvanized steel sheet wind pipe:

The most used in the market, the earliest history of the ventilation pipe, the use of galvanized steel sheet processing and production, suitable for the low humidity of the general air transport, no heat insulation and sound elimination function, production and installation of a long period.

Inorganic glass steel wind pipe:

A new type of wind pipe, which is made of glass fiber reinforced inorganic material, is refractory, corrosion-resistant, with large weight, large hardness but fragile. It will be easily deformed and fractured by self weight, and has no heat preservation and sound elimination function, and the installation period is very long.

Fiber fabric wind pipe:

Also known as cloth bag wind pipe, cloth wind pipe, fiber fabric wind pipe and fiber fabric air distributor, it is the latest type of wind pipe. It is a kind of flexible air distribution system (AirDispersion) woven with special fiber. It is a kind of air terminal system that can replace the traditional air supply pipe, wind valve, diffuser and adiabatic material. . It is mainly through the fiber penetration and the unique air outlet mode of the jet nozzle, which can evenly supply the air terminal system. With surface wind, large air volume, no blow feeling, uniform distribution of air supply, anti condensation, easy cleaning and maintenance, healthy and environmental protection, beautiful and high-grade, colorful and individualized, weight light, roof weight can be ignored; the system runs quiet, improve the environment quality; easy to install, shorten the engineering cycle; installation spirit Live, reusable; system costs are comprehensive savings, cost-effective advantages.
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版权 © 保定市微旺通风管道加工厂 冀ICP备2023002843号-1  网址:www.tongfengguan.com.cn  推荐:保定通风管道加工,保定螺旋风管安装,保定油烟净化器

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