





Oil fume purifier is mainly used in the purification and treatment of low air exhaust fume in the kitchen, such as hotels, restaurants, restaurant, restaurants, schools, offices, factories and other places; food frying, cooking and processing industries; oil splashing and heat treatment workshop, oil mist lubrication workshop, workpiece welding workshop and enoil boiler emissions and other industrial occasions. The main function of the fume purifier is to filter the fumes from the kitchen, so as to reduce the pollution to the atmosphere. Oil fume purifier with the use of time, the internal oil pollution will gradually deposit, if not periodically clean light can not reach the filter fume function (also cause the kitchen in the kitchen), the heavy oil smoke purifier and even cause fire. Therefore, regular cleaning of fume purifier is necessary. The cleaning of oil fume purifier is very troublesome, and it is not easy to clean.
  1. 联系人:吕经理
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  3. 手机:17732219006
  4. 网址:www.tongfengguan.com.cn
  5. 地址:保定市清苑区闫庄乡大吕庄村

版权 © 保定市微旺通风管道加工厂 冀ICP备2023002843号-1  网址:www.tongfengguan.com.cn  推荐:保定通风管道加工,保定螺旋风管安装,保定油烟净化器

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